Conference Contributions
HHMI Comparative Circuits, 2018 - Stanley Heinze
Poster ICIV 2019 - Andrea Adden
Bogong moth central complex neurons respond to the Milky Way
HHMI Central Complex 2018 - Stanley Heinze
Poster as supplement to oral presentation.

Poster ICIV 2019 - Josiane da Silva Freitas
Towards intracellular recording from fan-shaped body neurons in walking bumblebees
Poster ICIV 2019 - Marcel Sayre
Delineating the neural basis of diverse navigational strategies

Poster ICIV 2019 - Anna Honkanen
Bumblebees use optic flow for distance estimation

Poster ICIV 2019 - Adriana Schatton
Detecting footprints of neural activity in the visual system of the bumblebee